Committed to Beauty and Wellness
With over 20 years experience you're in safe hands! Our clinics specialize in tailor-made, results-driven beauty treatments. Smudge Proof Makeup offers patients a variety of services and products that will help you feel young, energized and stunning every day. We put safety first, and stay up to date on the best techniques and latest treatment developments. If you’re ready for a fresh start - give us a call today and find out more about our services and special offers!
We are committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of business is from repeat customers and referrals. We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.​ Julie is committed to providing you with an exceptional experience.
Julie is qualified and experienced in all treatments performed and prides herselves on great results, so put yourself in her very competent hands. We are a destination clinic for lash extensions, scalp and cosmetic tattooing. We are an "Accredited Infection Control Clinic - Council Approved".
Julie was initially trained in New Zealand in 2004 by Carol Beech, one of NZ's best cosmetic tattoo trainers, and has been actively performing cosmetic tattooing regularly since. You can be assured of quality and experience in comfortable, hygienic surroundings. Julie uses disposable handtools & needles along with high quality German made precision digital machines.
In recent years, she has undergone advanced cosmetic tattoo training with Cosmetic-Tattoo Academy Australia in the new techniques of "hair strokes", "smudging" and "shadow" and with the Melbourne College of Cosmetic Tattooing; Para-medical tattooing. Hair strokes gives a much more natural, textured appearance to the brows. Paramedical enables areolar restorations, scar relaxation and camoflauge. Julies main speciality is perfect brows; soft, fluffy, hyper-realism hairstroke brows, powder brows and a personal favourite; soft powder with hairstrokes for that popular high-definition look. 2016 Julie completed the Pastiche Advanced Skin Analysis "Melanogenesis and CIT" courses. All modules of the Pastiche Methods will be completed, along with her Teaching & training in Assessment, Advanced classes in designer eyeliner and lip techniques with UK's Andrea Toth. In 2015 she attend numerous advanced master classes including Will Anthony (USA) Advanced Smokey Eyeliner technique, Winged Liner, Microblading with Natalia Beaumont along with the professional Development Introduction to Safe Use of Topical Anaesthetics thru APAN.
2017 was no different! February saw an advanced class in Ombre and microblading brows and also a Scalp Advance master Class wtih FoliSim to bring the latest and greatest techniques to the Sunshine Coast
2019 was a week long Advanced Master Class with world renowned Annlie Rebora in Manila, Philippines.